Jason Harman


  • jharman@jfklaw.ca
  • P 778-819-3844
  • 260 - 200 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4

Jason’s journey to working in law has taken a number of detours.  Despite writing the LSAT in 2005 while he worked at Access Justice (the predecessor of Access Pro Bono), he elected to enroll in graduate school where he spent 7 years studying political theory and philosophy in Toronto. After returning home to British Columbia, Jason began teaching part-time in the Criminology department at Kwantlen University before enrolling in law school.

In law school, Jason enjoyed the continuity between his background in political philosophy and public law.  As a result, he focused on courses in Aboriginal, Charter, and constitutional law.  He was selected to represent UBC in the Wilson Charter Litigation Moot in 2016.  Before coming to JFK, Jason articled and worked at a leading Vancouver firm where he focused on employment, human rights, and privacy law issues.

Jason was born and raised in Burnaby, attended undergrad in Kelowna, and graduate school in Toronto.  He is now a happy resident of New Westminster with his wife, two children and two Labrador retrievers.

Practice Focus

  • Civil Litigation for First Nations
  • Administrative & Constitutional Law
  • Labour, Employment, and Human Rights Law
  • Privacy Law

Education and Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of British Columbia, 2018
  • J.D. University of British Columbia, 2017
  • Ph.D. York University, 2013
  • M.A. York University, 2008
  • B.A. Okanagan University College, 2005


  • “2(d) as Harbinger of Substantive Justice? Toward the Creation of a Meaningful Freedom of Association.”  Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 39 (2018): 35-66
  • In the Dark: Bringing Transparency to Canadian Supply Chains, Allard International Justice and Human Rights Clinic (Vancouver: Allard School of Law, June 2017)


  • Helped connect low income Canadians to pro bono legal counsel with Access Pro Bono

  • Represented the plaintiff challenging exclusions to healthcare for transgendered persons during the Wilson Charter Litigation Moot

  • Successfully convinced Crown to stay criminal charges against clients while working with the Law Students Legal Advice Program


Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: the Kebaowek Case

Introduction On February 19, 2025, the Federal Court released an important decision (Kebaowek First Nation v Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)

JFK Law Celebrates its 10 Lexpert-Ranked Lawyers in the 2025 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory

Ten of JFK Law’s lawyers are recognized as top Aboriginal Law Practitioners in the