Louise Kyle


  • lkyle@jfklaw.ca
  • P 778-819-3846 ext. 105
  • C 403-619-9448
  • 260 - 200 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4

Louise holds a Juris Doctor specializing in Public Law from the University of Ottawa, where she directed her studies toward human and Indigenous rights through research and writing courses focused on novel Aboriginal rights, traditional knowledge protection, and food sovereignty for Indigenous communities. 

Before law school, Louise worked for Alberta Health Services on an innovative research project where she held a patient-facing role supporting youth with chronic disease. She is excited to bring her research skills, people skills, and creativity to the practice of law. 

During law school, Louise worked at the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic and completed legal internships with the National Association of Friendship Centres and Senator Yvonne Boyer. She prepared a submission on urban Indigenous youth for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and completed research relating to Indigenous governance in non-profit corporate structure. Louise also examined the intersection of traditional Indigenous medicine and provincial health laws with Senator Boyer. 

Louise firmly believes that health is a human right and has organized extensively with the access to medicines community. During law school, she co-founded a chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, a student-based organization of which she has been a long-time member and currently sits as a Fellow. In this capacity, Louise has been invited to appear twice before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health to testify about access to medicines and patent policy. 

In Louise’s spare time, she is an avid trail runner and skier, most often accompanied by her endlessly entertaining dog and an ample supply of home-made snacks. 



Justice vs “Trust Us” – Ontario (Attorney General) v Restoule

On July 26, 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada (“the Court“) released a unanimous

Nova Scotia cannabis decision shuts down Aboriginal and Treaty Rights defence

On June 7th, the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia issued a decision in R.