Here are some of the stories, articles, cases and reports that caught the attention of JFK Law’s lawyers and staff this month.

Aboriginal Day is coming up on June 21st. See what is happening in Vancouver, and across Canada.
Victoria Aboriginal Cultural Festival June 16-18. See what is happening in Victoria.
Beecher Bay (Scia’new) First Nation and the District of Metchosin are holding a free, public Reconciliation Celebration on National Aboriginal Day, June 21, during which Beecher Bay’s flag will be raised at the Metchosin Municipal Hall.
Background on page 7 of the Metchosin Muse.
The 4th annual Indigenous Mapping Workshop has been announced and is accepting applications.
Just in time for your summer reading list, CBC has released a list of 108 Indigenous authors to read as chosen by listeners.
CBC Radio: Canadian law can learn from Indigenous law
Here a research initiative at UVic’s POLIS Project on Ecological Governance identifies issues with the new Water Sustainability Act, particularly as it relates to First Nations.
Don’t Damn Springbank is dedicated to preserving heritage ranchlands west of Calgary and protecting the Elbow River by opposing a proposed flood mitigation diversion and dam. The website is an interesting example of the social media by stakeholders as part of their overall efforts to stop the project.
CBC News: Indigenous groups are pushing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a United Nations agency, to make Indigenous cultural appropriation illegal under international law.
The Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel in Alberta held its inaugural meeting to advise on indigenous environmental monitoring.
The Centre for International Governance Innovation has released “UNDRIP Implementation: Braiding International, Domestic and Indigenous Laws” a collection of essays by Indigenous legal scholars and policy leaders on how Canada can braid together a legal framework of International, Canadian and Indigenous laws to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples and further reconciliation and a nation-to-nation relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada.
Amnesty International released a report on human rights impact of the Mt. Polley Tailings breach.